General Hotel Terms and Conditions


General provisions
1.) Crocus Gere Bor Hotel (AKA CROCUS Kft., residence of the company: 7773 Villány, Erkel Ferenc utca 2/A, VAT Number: 32470574-2-02, Company Registration Number: 02 09 088111) – hereinafter referred to as the hotel – concludes contracts for the provision of hotel accommodation services on the basis of these general hotel terms and conditions.

2.) The general terms and conditions do not preclude the hotel from concluding hotel contracts with tour operators, organisers, legal entity clients, individual entrepreneurs, either on the basis of these general terms and conditions or on terms and conditions that differ in whole or in part from these general terms and conditions.


Contracting parties
1.) The hotel service is always provided to the guest.

2.) If the guest orders the hotel service directly from the hotel, the hotel contract is concluded between the guest and the hotel.

3.) If the hotel services are ordered by a third party (intermediary) on behalf of the guest, the contract is concluded between the hotel and the intermediary and the terms and conditions of the hotel’s provision of hotel services are governed by this contract. The hotel is under no obligation to verify whether the third party is legally representing the guest and therefore the hotel is not liable.

4.) The hotel shall only enter into a contract with a person who has the capacity to act.

5.) Persons without legal capacity or under 18 years of age may use the hotel services only with an adult companion who has legal capacity.


Establishment of the contract

1.) The hotel will send an offer to the guest’s request for a quote, either verbally or in writing. The hotel shall cease to be bound by the offer if the hotel does not receive a declaration of acceptance of the offer (order) with unchanged content within 48 hours of the offer being sent.

2.) The contract is concluded upon the written or oral order of the guest and the written confirmation of the hotel. The contract shall enter into force on the day of sending the confirmation.

3.) The contract is a written contract, the invitation to tender, the offer, the order and the confirmation are part of the contract.

4.) The contract shall contain the following details of the guest/contracting party:

– the name of the guest/contracting party,

– address (registered office),

– telephone number, e-mail address,

– bank card details.

5.) Verbal order/reservation, modification, agreement or verbal confirmation by the hotel shall not be deemed to be a contract.

6.) The accommodation service is for a fixed period of time, the starting and ending dates of which are specified in the contract.

7) The hotel is entitled to include in its offer terms and conditions other than these general hotel terms and conditions.

8.) If the guest leaves the room before the end of the contractually agreed period, the hotel is entitled to the full amount of the contractually agreed price.

9.) The hotel is entitled to resell the room vacated before the expiry date.

10.) The hotel’s prior written consent is required for any extension of the accommodation service initiated by the guest. In this case, the hotel may claim the full amount of the services already rendered and may make the extension conditional upon the fulfilment of this condition.

11.) The contract may be amended or supplemented by the guest and the hotel jointly and in writing.

12.) The hotel’s rules and regulations are part of the contract.


Withdrawal from the contract

1.) Unless the hotel has specified other conditions in its offer, the other contracting party may withdraw from the contract without penalty by giving written notice 5 days prior to the arrival date specified in the contract; in the event of withdrawal within this period, the other contracting party shall be liable to pay a penalty.

2.) The amount of the penalty shall be the total amount of the service specified in the contract per day.

3.) If the contracting party has not secured the use of the accommodation service by means of advance payment, credit card guarantee or other means provided for in the contract, the hotel’s obligation to provide the service shall continue until 4 p.m. on the day of arrival specified in the contract. After that time, the hotel’s obligation to provide the service shall cease and the hotel shall be entitled to claim its claim for damages and compensation for any loss or damage caused by the guest’s non-arrival.

4.) In case of cancelling the reservation we are refunding the transfered amount in 2-3 workdays


1.) The hotel’s current room rates are available on the hotel’s website or can be requested verbally at the reception.

2) Price lists for other hotel services are available in the respective departments.

3) The hotel is free to change its advertised rates without prior notice.

4) The hotel shall indicate the statutory tax rate applicable to the service at the time of the offer when the prices are published. The hotel shall pass on to the contracting party any additional charges resulting from changes in tax legislation, subject to prior notification.

5) The hotel will publish current promotions and discounts on its website. Advertised discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts.

6) Any discount or promotion published after the hotel has sent the offer shall not affect the offer sent.


Payment method, booking guarantees

1.) The hotel shall claim payment for the services rendered to the contracting party at the latest after the services have been used and before the departure from the hotel. The hotel may also provide for payment in arrears on the basis of an individual agreement.

2.) To secure payment for the services under the contract the hotel may

– request a credit card guarantee, whereby the hotel will block the amount of the ordered and confirmed services on the credit card,

– may require a deposit, to guarantee the reservation 50% of the reservations Accomodation must be paid in advance by bank transfer or online payment,

– request advance payment of the full amount of the ordered and confirmed services.

3.) The hotel will issue the invoice in HUF.

4.) The contracting party may settle the invoice in cash, by advance bank transfer or by the following bank cards:

EC/MC, Visa, American Express

5.) In the case of bank transfer, unless otherwise provided for in the agreement with the hotel, the contracting party shall transfer the amount of the ordered services to the hotel’s bank account before the date of arrival, in such a way that the amount is credited to the hotel’s bank account by the date of arrival or the contracting party/customer confirms the transfer by an irrevocable statement issued by the account-keeping financial institution confirming the transfer.

6.) Other payment methods on site: OTP Széchenyi Pihenőkártya, Erzsébet Kártya, a voucher issued by the hotel and/or its contracted partner.

7.) Any costs incurred in connection with the use of any payment method shall be borne by the contracting party.


Use of the hotel room and conditions

1.) Guests can book their hotel room from 14:00 on the day of arrival.

2) The guest is obliged to leave the hotel room with his/her luggage and belongings brought to the hotel by 10 a.m. on the last day of the stay according to the contract.

3) If the guest wishes to occupy or leave the room before and/or after the time specified above, the hotel is entitled to charge 50% of the daily room rate.

4) The guest must check in at the reception desk and fill in the check-in form upon arrival at the hotel and before occupying the hotel room. The hotel room cannot be booked and the hotel services cannot be used without the registration form.

5) The hotel, for the purpose of its statutory obligations, will request the guest’s identity card and will transmit the data specified by law through the VIZA system.


Rules for using gift vouchers
1.) Vouchers can be used within the specified period of use (12 months from the date of issue), except for high season periods.
2.) Maximum limit for vouchers: HUF 2.000.000
3.) Persons under the age of 18 are not eligible to purchase vouchers.


The hotel does not allow the introduction of animals, birds, reptiles, insects or bugs on the hotel premises. The hotel does allow guide dogs.


Closed circuit camera system

The guest expressly acknowledges that the hotel operates a closed-circuit camera system in its common areas (excluding changing rooms, restrooms, but including the car park and external areas directly adjacent to the hotel) for property protection purposes, the recordings of which are stored and deleted by the hotel in accordance with the applicable legal requirements and handed over to the competent authorities in case of violation.


Refusal to perform the contract, termination of the service obligation
1.) The hotel is entitled to terminate the contract for accommodation services with immediate effect and thus refuse to provide the services if:

  1. a) the guest does not make proper use of the room or the facilities provided,
  2. b) the guest fails to comply with the hotel’s security regulations, fails to maintain order, behaves in a disrespectful or rude manner with hotel staff, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or engages in threatening, abusive or other unacceptable behaviour,
  3. c) the guest suffers from a communicable disease.
  4. d) the contracting party fails to fulfil its contractual obligation to pay the advance payment by the date specified in the contract

2) The contract between the parties shall be terminated if its performance becomes impossible due to force majeure.


Accommodation guarantee
1.) The hotel is obliged to provide or arrange accommodation for the guest if the hotel is unable to provide the services provided for in the contract due to its own fault (e.g. overbooking, temporary operational problems, etc.).

2) In this case, the hotel is obliged:

  1. a) to provide/offer the contractually agreed services at the price confirmed therein for the period stipulated therein or until the impediment ceases to exist, in another accommodation of the same or higher category. The hotel shall bear all additional costs of providing the substitute accommodation
  2. b) to provide the guest with a free telephone call to inform him/her of a change of accommodation

(c) to provide the guest with a free shuttle service to move to the offered alternative accommodation and, if necessary, to move back to the hotel.

3.) If the hotel fulfils these obligations reasonably, or if the guest accepts the alternative accommodation offered to him/her, the contracting party may not claim damages or compensation from the hotel.


Illness or death of a guest
1.) If the guest falls ill during the period of use of the accommodation service and is unable to act on his/her own, the hotel will offer medical assistance. The guest shall use the offered medical assistance at his/her own risk and responsibility. The doctor is not an employee or agent of the hotel and the hotel shall not be liable for the diagnosis, the therapy used or the consequences thereof.

2) In the event of the illness/death of the guest, the hotel shall be entitled to claim reimbursement of the costs incurred by the relatives, heirs or bill payers of the sick/deceased person, in respect of any medical and procedural costs, the value of services used prior to the death, and any damage to equipment and furnishings in connection with the illness/death.


Rights of the contracting party
1.) Under the contract, the guest is entitled to the use of the room ordered and the facilities of the accommodation for the purpose intended, which are included in the normal scope of services or which have been agreed by the parties in the contract and are not subject to special conditions.

2) The guest may lodge a complaint about the performance of the services provided by the hotel during the stay. The hotel will investigate and deal with any complaint submitted to it in writing during this period.

3) The guest’s right to lodge a complaint shall cease after the departure from the hotel.


Obligations of the contracting party/guest
1.) The contracting party shall pay the remuneration for the services ordered in the contract by the date and in the manner specified in the contract.

2.) The guest shall ensure that any person under the age of 18 and/or incapacitated under his/her responsibility stays in the hotel only under adult supervision.

3.) The guest is aware that the hotel is a wine hotel. The guest acknowledges that persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to participate in the hotel’s wine-related services, events and activities. The guest undertakes that any person under the age of 18 under his/her responsibility/attendance will not consume alcohol on the hotel premises during his/her stay at the hotel.
4.) Guests are not allowed to bring their own food or drink into the hotel.

(5) Fireworks and other licensed activities brought by the guest require the prior written consent of the hotel and the presentation of the necessary permits from the authorities. It is the guest’s responsibility and expense to obtain such permits.

6.) The guest shall use the hotel’s equipment, facilities, services and participate at events at his/her own risk, subject to his/her current physical, emotional and health condition, and in accordance with the intended use.


Liability of the contracting party/guest for damages

1.) The guest shall be liable for any damage or loss caused by the them, his/her companion or a person under his/her supervision to the hotel or to a third party.

2.) This liability of the guest shall also apply if the injured party is entitled to claim compensation for the damage directly from the hotel.


Lien of the hotel
1.) The hotel shall have a lien on the guest’s belongings brought into the hotel up to the amount of the value of the services used by the guest but not paid for. In enforcing the lien, the hotel shall be entitled to seize the guest’s belongings and withhold their removal until the guest has paid the amount due. The guest shall bear the costs of the seizure, custody and handling of the items.

2.) The lien cannot be enforced on the guest’s identity document, bank card and one set of seasonal clothing.


Obligations of the hotel
1.) Under the contract, the hotel is obliged to provide the accommodation and other services ordered in accordance with the relevant regulations and standards.

2.) The hotel is obliged to investigate the guest’s written complaint and to take the necessary steps and measures to remedy the complaint.

3.) The hotel will provide information about the guest’s stay at the hotel to third parties, including the guest’s close relatives, only with the guest’s prior written consent. This prohibition on providing information does not apply to requests made on the basis of statutory provisions.


The hotel’s liability for damages
1.) The hotel is liable for damage to the guest’s belongings if the damage occurs in a place normally used by or open to the guest.

2.) The hotel shall be exempt from liability if it proves that the damage was caused by an unforeseeable and unavoidable cause outside the control of the hotel’s employees and guests, or that the damage was caused by the guest himself.

3.) The hotel may designate places in the hotel or its premises where the guest is not allowed to enter or stay. The hotel shall not be liable for any damage or injury caused in such places.
4.) The guest shall immediately inform the hotel of the damage suffered by him/her, the event causing the damage and shall provide the hotel with all information necessary to clarify the circumstances of the damage and any police proceedings. The hotel shall not be liable for any damage resulting from late notification or from the non-provision or incomplete provision of the necessary information.

5.) The hotel shall only be liable for damage to valuables, cash or securities if the hotel has expressly accepted them for safekeeping. In the case of the hotel, the use of the in-room safe is deemed to constitute receipt for safekeeping.

6.) The hotel shall also be liable for damage to securities, valuables and cash if the damage is caused by a cause for which the hotel is liable in accordance with the general rules on compensation. In this case, the burden of proof shall be on the guest.

7.) The hotel is not liable for any damage resulting from the improper use of the hotel’s equipment, facilities, etc.

8.) The hotel shall not be liable for any damage, loss or injury caused to the guest and/or any person under the hotel’s supervision by another guest of the hotel in connection with the use or enjoyment of the hotel’s services arising from the nature of the hotel as a wine hotel and the consequences thereof.


Rate of compensation:

1.) In the event of damage to cash, securities or valuables, the hotel shall compensate for the actual damage. In the case of securities, the amount of the actual damage shall be equal to the nominal value of the damaged security.

2.) In the case of damage to any other property, the maximum amount of compensation shall be fifty times the daily room rate. In the event of damage to data media, the hotel shall be liable to pay the commercial price of the data media.

3) The hotel is entitled to specify in its offer the items that it does not permit to be brought onto the hotel premises. The hotel shall not be liable for any damage to items brought in without permission.


The contracting parties shall settle any disputes arising from the performance of the contract primarily by amicable means. If the amicable way is unsuccessful, the contracting parties shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the District Court of Siklós or the General Court of Pécs, depending on the value of the dispute.